Launching Berlin’s new website

Like those poor proverbial cobbler’s kids who have no shoes, getting a new website done for yourself at a creative agency is always a struggle. Everyone is in perpetual agreement that the current site is no good, but there always seems to be client work that pushes the agency site down the priority list. “We’ll do it right after this client campaign launches,” agencies tell themselves, which is not exactly a lie but also not totally true because there’s always another piece of paid work that feels more urgent and important.
So it is with no small amount of pride and relief that we are launching this site, the first time we’ve made a new one for ourselves in six or seven years. We built it in webflow, which was a first for us, and worked on it for about 4 months, which sounds slow but is actually faster than we’ve ever made ourselves a site before (see “Cobbler’s Kids” above). Our aim with this website is of course to show potential clients the sort of work we can do for them as well as to show potential new Berliners what sort of things they could expect to work on and the culture they would become a part of.
We have been deliberate about showing the depth and breadth of the creative that we do here. When we asked a bunch of people in our orbit what they think we do, we heard that Berlin is primarily a communications/strategy/PR firm. This is not inaccurate, but it is also not the whole story. We provide communications and public relations consulting services to many clients, and we also offer industry-leading creative services. We have built many award-winning creative campaigns that include television and radio commercials, billboard and other out of home media formats, interactive digital experiences and all kinds of digital ads. Our creative work has in fact won the “Best in Show” award both in Edmonton at the ACE Awards and in Calgary at the Anvil Awards, and been recognized in national and international shows. And we have in-house social media content creation to supplement our public relations and advertising work that is at the forefront of anything else we’ve seen in our market.
We hope this site shows the wide range of high-quality communications work we offer our clients including some of Alberta’s best creative services. If you’d like to learn more about what we can do for you, please get in touch.